We will provide recommendations and tools for data submission and data extraction to facilitate the use of commonly adopted formats and to keep pace with the field.
We will coordinate multiple resources and promote the use of large international repositories that require the submission of standards-compliant data. We will establish a pilot demonstration system linking compliant resources. Finally, guidelines will be provided to information system managers in the grapevine community and a registry for the community web services will be identified.Paul KERSEY
Royal Botanic Gardens,
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Working Group 2 Members:
- WG2 leader: Paul Kersey, London Royal botanic gardens, Kew, United Kingdom
- WG2 vice-leader: Daniela Holtgrawe, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Biology & Center for Biotechnology, Germany
- Krasimir Rusanov, Agrobioinstitute, Bulgaria
- Irena Budic-Leto, Institute for Adreatic Crops, Croatia
- Girollet Nabil, INRA Bordeaux, France
- Cyril Pommier, ELIXIR Plant Community, URGI, INRI, France
- Michael Alaux, Unit of Research in Genomics-Info (URGI), INRA, France
- Ludger Hausmann, Julius Kuhn-Institute (JKI), Germany
- Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece
- Dimitrios Taskos, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation, Greece
- Marco Moretto, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy
- Annalisa Polverari, Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Italy
- Urska Vrhovsek, Fondazione Edmund Mach – Istituto Agrario san michele all’adige,, Italy
- Fulvio Mattivi, University of Trento, Italy
- Gheorge Savin, Public Institution Research and Practical Institute for Horticulture and Food Technologies, Moldova
- Doreen Ware, USDA, USA, USA
- Pietro Franceschi, Computational Biology Unit of the Fondazione E. Mach, Italy
- Panagiotis Arapitsas, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy