Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) allow scientists to learn from an institution or laboratory in another COST country – a concept of particular interest to young scientists (PhD students, Post-docs).

Researchers across Europe are working together taking advantage of this instrument to show impressive results in a short period of time. The STSM coordinator of CA17111 INTEGRAPE strongly encourages you to apply and benefit from such an experience!
The application must be performed online,

For guidelines on the STSM application process, please consult the PDF guide available at

Kind regards,
Margarida Fortes (STSM coordinator of CA17111)

Reports of the STSM grant recipients from the first call are available here:

Scientific priorities

The projects in line with the 2019 work plan of INTEGRAPE will be prioritized. In particular projects including genome and genome variation data management plans; transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics data management plans or phenotyping data management plans are welcome to help the consortium to develop on real use cases its general guidelines. Special considerations will be made regarding the participation of researchers from Inclusiveness Target Countries.

Additional criteria of eligibility

STSMs can vary from one week to three months and up to six months for Early Career Investigators (ECI, < PhD+ 8 years of experience). Applicants must be engaged in a research program in an institution from a COST country participating in the COST Action. The host institution must be a COST country or a non-COST institution officially participating in the COST Action,|Name:overview. The average contribution for a mission is a fixed grant based on the applicant’s budget request and the decision from STSM committee (five researchers from the Core Group of the Action). It will normally not exceed EUR 2500 for PhD students and EUR 3500 for Early Career Investigators (ECI, < PhD+ 8 years of experience).
For full eligibility criteria please check the Vademecum available at The selection of successful STSM applicants will be done so in consideration of the scientific scope of the proposed mission and how the mission can support the Action in achieving its scientific objectives (as guidelines for preparation of an successful application, please try to answer the questions in Data management plan). There should be special considerations made by the Action MC with respect to supporting COST policies on promoting gender balance, enabling Early Career Investigators (ECI), broadening geographical inclusiveness.