Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Grants

Please consider that, according to COST rules, the call for ITC Conference Grants will ONLY target researchers from groups affiliated with an institution in an ITC countries participating in the COST Action INTEGRAPE.
ITC countries are: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.

Reports of the ITC  grant recipients from the first call are available here:

INTEGRAPE can fund your virtual attendance at the conference of your choice

Applicants must meet the following conditions:

  • Application deadline: August 15th, 2020.
  • Applicants must be either PhD Student or an Early Career Investigator ECI (we consider ECIs as young scientist within a period of up to 8 years post-PhD)
  • The proposed conference to be attended must take place before November 30th, 2020. Attendance at European conferences is preferred. However, conferences held elsewhere can also be considered. Conferences, meetings and other activities organized by COST/INTEGRAPE are not eligible.
  • Applicants must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and must be listed in the official event/conference program. The main subject of presentation at the approved conference must be in relation to the objective of the Action and clearly express excellence of the applicant’s research. The COST/INTEGRAPE support must be acknowledged.
  • Besides completing the online information in the eCOST, it is also necessary to upload the following support documentation: CV, short description of the involvement in INTEGRAPE, acceptance letter from the conference organizers, a copy of the abstract or poster submitted to the conference.
  • After the conference implementation, the successful applicants must submit a scientific report, travel documentation, and fee invoice (if applicable) within 30 days in order to claim the grant. The grant is only paid after the conference implementation and the submission of the requested information.

A Conference Grant is a fixed financial contribution and do not necessarily cover all of the expenses related to participating in a given conference. A Conference Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected Grantee. The calculation of the financial contribution for each Conference Grant must respect the following criteria:

  • Up to a maximum of 2500 EUR in total can be afforded to each successful applicant;
  • Up to a maximum of EUR 160 per day can be afforded for accommodation and meal expenses.
  • Up to a maximum of EUR 500 can be claimed for the conference fees to be incurred by the selected Grantee.

The application must be performed online, For full eligibility criteria please check the Vademecum available at
Details on rules available in the COST Vademecum (Section 9) and the ITC Conference Grants User Guide ( All other information on the INTEGRAPE Cost Action are available at Please contact me in case of questions other than the information available in the COST Actions webpages. I am happy to help.

Kind regards,
Astrid Forneck (CA17111 ITC Coordinator)