Genome Annotation Working Group Meeting
14 - 18 June 2021
Colmar, France

Organized by Camille Rustenholz and Amandine Velt.
The main goal of this meeting was to test the recently developed guidelines for using WebApollo interface for the manual curation of gene annotations derived from the most recent (4th) genome assembly of PN40024.
We generated a first group of “grapevine annotation experts” to identify, transfer and/or correct the new annotations and those generated in the previous versions of reference genome assembly/annotation. The plan was to set up a JBrowse interface coupled with WebApollo, maintained in Colmar through an INRAE. This would be the start of the organisation of a training school where our group of annotation experts could teach the trainees how to perform manual curation by following the guidelines.
The guidelines for Apollo-guided manual curation will be soon available for the grapevine community.
- Provide the community with manual curation of the “Reference Gene Catalogue”, a collection of genes established for previous versions of PN40024 assembly/annotation, so that we can guarantee the transfer of this expertise on the new version.
- Provide the community with a tutorial/guidelines for manual curation of PN40024.v4.1 annotation using Apollo.
- Start the organisation of a COST training school dedicated to manual curation of PN40024.v4.1 annotation using Apollo.
- Provide the community with resources/tools on PN40024.v4 that comply with the COST standards regarding metadata and FAIRness
- Camille Rustenholz (INRAE Colmar)
- Amandine Velt (INRAE Colmar)
- Daniela Holtgräwe (CeBiTec, Bielefeld University)
- Bianca Frommer (CeBiTec, Bielefeld University)
- José Tomás Matus (I2SysBio)
- David Navarró-Payá (I2SysBio)
- Luis Orduña (I2SysBio)
- Anne-Marie Digby (Uni Verona)
- Jerome Grimplet (CITA Aragón)
- Doreen Ware (USDA ARS, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
- Marcela Karey Tello-Ruiz (USDA ARS, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)